Prof. Dr. Billy Sperlich

Prof. Dr. Billy Sperlich

Prof. Dr. Billy Sperlich

Head of Integrative & Experimental Exercise Science & Training | Julius-Maximilians -University of Würzburg

Billy Sperlich served as researcher and lecturer in several institutes of the German Sport University in Cologne (2002-2010). After finishing PhD in training science & cardiology, he completed post-doctoral studies (2010-2012) & a guest professorship (2012) at Mid Sweden University. Since 2013 he’s professor leading the Integrative & Experimental Exercise Science & Training group (INTEX) at the University of Würzburg (GER). His main research covers different training methods to improve performance, fitness & health in athletes. Currently he’s developing & testing smartphone apps and wearable sensors to monitor and improve human performance & health. He’s founder of